Blessed Stephen Bellesini, priest

Stephen, whose baptismal name was Luigi, was born on 25th November, 1774 in Trento, Italy. He made his religious profession as an Augustinian in 1794. Taking the name Stephen he continued his studies for the priesthood in Bologna and Rome before returning to his...

Blessed Josefa María of Beniganim, virgin

Mother Agnes, as she was to become best known, was born on 9th January 1625 in the small town of Beniganim near Valencia in Spain. She was christened Josephine Mary. The family was poor and Josephine’s father died when she was still a young child. When she was...

St Fulgentius of Ruspe, bishop

Fulgencio (Thelepte, actual Medinet-el-Kedima, Tunisia, c. 462 – Ruspe January 1, 527) belonged to the senatorial family of the Gordiani. As a young man he played the role of procurator that, in the civil administration of the Vandals, involved the collection of...