
we grant the permission so that on September 16, 2012 the votive mass of St. Augustine, as well as on September 15, 2013 the votive mass of Our Lady of Consolation may be celebrated.Ver documento PDF Autor: Congregación del culto divino


On August 22, 2012, by the mandate of the Holy Father, the APOSTOLIC PENITENTIARY grants freely the plenary indulgence that the faithful who are sincerely repentant can obtain, participating religiously in the solemn celebrations during the designated dates in the...

The brief religiosas familias

This coming 16th September will mark the hundred years of the papal briefReligiosas Familias, by which St. Pius X declared the Augustinian Recollects to be areligious Order. Behind that there stand the 324 years of Augustinian Recollect history.This centenary...