Blessed Magdalene Albrici, virgin

Magdalene was born in Como in the early 15th century. When about twenty she felt called to the Religious Life, joined an Augustinian community and before long was elected abbess, a position she was to hold for most of her life. She led a life of simplicity, austerity and service of the community. She was responsible for having her convent associated with the Observant Augustinians of Lombardy and did much to promote the Augustinians way of life throughout the area, including the Third Order. She was totally committed to the renewal of Religious Life, the promotion of vocations and fidelity to the Pope at a time of upheaval in the Church. She always showed great concern for the sick and needy in society.

Magdalene died after a long illness in May 1465. Her remains were transferred to Como when the nuns moved there in 1593 and are now venerated in the cathedral. Her cult confirmed by Pope Pius X in 1907.