Blessed Mariano de la Mata Aparicio, priest

Blessed Mariano was born in Barrio de la Puebla of Valdavia (Palencia) in the year 1905. He was ordained priest after finishing his studies in the Augustinian seminaries of Valladolid and La Vid (Burgos). Two years after, he sailed for Brazil where he exercised widespread apostolic activity in the area of education and, above all, in helping daily the poor, the sick, and the children.

Father Mariano was a saint of the ordinary. Firm in character but generous and sensitive, he was friendly and intimate in his personal relationship. Fervent a devotee to Mary, lover of priesthood and the priestly ministry, he loved much the Eucharist which he celebrated with extraordinary devotion.

He died on April 5, 1983 and was beatified on the 5th of November 2006 in the cathedral of Sâo Paulo (Brazil) by Cardinal Jose Saraiva, Prefect of the Congregation for the Saints.

His remains are laid at the side of the altar dedicated to his beloved Lady of Consolation in the church of Saint Augustine in Sâo Paulo.