Quote 07 4

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Lk. 10: 1-12: Homily of Saint Augustine (Sermon 101, 1)

“The reading of the Gospel text that has just been read to us, invites use to research and, if we are able, to signify what is the meaning of the harvest about which the Lord speaks. The harvest is much, but the laborers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest that he may send laborers to his harvest. (Lk. 10:2) Then, he added to the twelve disciples, whom he called apostles, another seventy-two and sent them to everyone, as it appears from his words, to the ripe harvest. What is that harvest? While this harvest was not found among the gentiles, thus, it remains only to be understood that it was found among the Jewish people.
The master of the harvest came to them. He sent harvester to this harvest. To the gentiles, on the other hand, he did not send harvesters, but sowers. It seems then that the harvest was gathered among the Jewish people, from whom the same apostles were chosen. In that field, the grain is already ripe for harvesting, for the prophets had already sown there. He takes delight in contemplating on the cultivation of God, in rejoicing at his gifts and in working in his field. He who said, I worked more than all of them, (1 Cor. 15:10) was working in him. But was the strength to work not given maybe by the master of the harvest? For this reason, he adds: But it is not I, but the grace of God in me.
Now, he shows clearly enough how he dedicates himself to the cultivation of the field of God when he says: I have planted, Apollo watered it. (Ibid., 3: 6) This apostle, converted from Saul to Paul, that is, from a proud to a small person, – the name Saul, consequently, comes from King Saul and Paul from paulum (little). Thus giving in a certain way an explanation of his name, he says: I am the smallest among all the apostles. This Paul, that is, “the small,” and “the little” was sent to the pagans. He himself affirms that he was sent first to the gentiles. He writes it, we read, believe and preach it.

Trans. by Fr. Romeo Potencio