Today, December 5, we join together to celebrate the birth of the Augustinian Recollection, this fruitful branch of the Augustinian Family, which began its history in 1588. This year, we do it in a special way: listening to the voices of its protagonists, who tell us...
The Augustinian Recollect Family is preparing to celebrate the 436th anniversary of the Augustinian Recollection on December 5. On the occasion of this commemoration, the Prior General, Fr. Miguel Ángel Hernández Domínguez, has shared a message in which he reflects on...
The historic cloister of San Nicolás de Tolentino, located in the heart of the historic center of Bogotá, is preparing for a new stage in its rich history: to become an Art and Culture Center at the service of the community. Thanks to an agreement between the Order of...
The Centers of Augustinian Recollect Spirituality (CEAR) continue their development and expansion in the countries where the Order is present. These ministries seek to exercise the Augustinian Recollect apostolate, based on the direct relationship between charism and...
Traditionally the month of October has been considered the month of the missions. This month has a special meaning for the mission in relation to the discovery of the American continent and the opening of a new path in the history of Evangelization. In his message for...