The Prior General has sent a message of congratulations to the Augustinian Recollects Sisters, who are celebrating this week the 50th anniversary of their recognition as an Institute of Pontifical Right. Leer en español | Leia em português The congregation of the...
Bishop Darío Quintana received his episcopal ordination in the cathedral of Mar de Plata accompanied by the faithful of the new diocese of which he will be the auxiliary bishop. It had been more than forty years since the Argentinean diocese of Mar del Plata had an...
On December 4 – the eve of the Recollection – the young religious made the solemn profession of his vows in the Ciudad de los Niños, in Costa Rica, accompanied by his family. The Augustinian Recollect Alberto Valecillos made the solemn profession of his...
The first representation of the Guadalupana that arrived in Rome was replaced in the Church of San Ildefonso and Santo Tomás de Villanueva on its 400th anniversary. Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes presided over the Eucharist: “With Mary of Guadalupe present, Mexico...
The Augustinian Recollect Rhuam Ferreira Rodrigues de Almeida received the priesthood in the San Juan Bautista parish in Muqui (Brazil), in the city where he was born. The Eucharist was presided over by the Augustinian Recollect Bishop Mons. Jesús María Cizaurre. The...