
The Augustinian Recollect Secular Fraternities Are Jointly Drafting Their Plan of Formation

A new understanding was reached as to the time and the way by which retreats are to be done: the retreats of the secular fraternities in Spain will last the whole weekend, from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning, and retreats will be organized by zone – one for central Spain (Madrid), another for the north (Navarra) and another for the south (Granada or Cadiz). In the retreats, the secular Augustinian Recollects will be introduced into the spiritual experience of St. Augustine contained in the Confessions.

With regards to the common criteria of formation, the body saw the need to base itself on the same material, and share their own experiences, and that the president of each province, in order to exercise his role as animator, visit with more frequency the local chapters.

It was shared by those who attended the meeting that the promotion of the fraternities truly needs the conviction of each religious community with its willingness to share its spirituality, to welcome the contribution of the lay in enriching the recollect charism, and that the presence of the secular Augustinian Recollect is a reflection of the vitality of the charism in the community and a challenge to serve them with care and dedication.

General Chapter

Miguel Miro, vicar general of the Order, after his exhortation, pointed out the vision that he has with regards to the Fraternities, in his capacity as president of the Secretariat on spirituality and in charge of the fraternities of the Order. He agreed that “there are many brothers and sisters of the fraternity who are committed to the mission, who are giving witness to the Augustinian spirituality among the various parochial groups. We religious cannot afford to disengage ourselves in the formation of the lay faithful who are called to live the Augustinian Recollect charism.”

Miro took the chance to comment on the unequal formation, even the vision, carried out in the different countries where the fraternity is found. Some countries do not have the national council as is done in Spain, with the benefit that it entails especially in the formation and in the support that it can give to sustain the brothers and sisters in their fidelity to the Recollect charism through the challenges of time.

Finally Miro urged the national council to be present in the next general chapter representing the Augustinian Recollect secular fraternities in Spain.