
The website of the Order has a 15% growth in users alone and it reaches nearly 5,000 followers in Facebook

The webpage of the Order gained, in the last 12 months, more than 220,00 visits (+4%) and 617,000 page visits (-3% vs. 2011). The users who visit the webpage come from 164 countries like Spain (24%), Colombia (11%), Brazil (11%), Mexico (10%), Argentina (6%), Peru (6%) and United States (6%).

Redesigning of the webpage

Without doubt, last year’s milestone has been the major change of design done to the webpage of the Order, which has been adjusted to the new trends with more extended functions in the web. Since December 5 when it was launched at its first phase, the webpage has experienced growth in the principal indicator of viewers, increasing the number of visits, users, and user’s navigation time through the site, which exceeds 2’30.”

Adjusted to mobile devices

One of the priorities of redesigning the webpage has been to make all the contents of the webpage have a right display in mobile devices, without the necessity of launching specific applications or reduced versions of the website. With the new version of the website, 3,300 visits have been registered from these devices (1,5%) within three months. 63% of the devices that access the webpage are Apple (iPad, iPhone and iPod) and the rest would be from different manufacturers, including Android OS of Google.

Facebook, the first generator of viewers

The commitment to social networking has been a huge success. The Order has nearly 5,000 followers in Facebook, the same number with the Spanish Episcopal Conference and it has more followers than other religious orders like the Society of Jesus. The growth has been consistent with a 33% increase with respect to last year.

Facebook already appears to be the first website, from which more visits to the website of the Order come, if we do not count Google (search engine). In Twitter, which has lesser patronage in Spain in comparison to Facebook, the Order has 348 followers with a yearly growth of 100%

More than 3,500 OAR newsletter subscribers

The OAR newsletter, which is sent every fifteen days with the last updates of the webpage, exceeded 3,500 free subscriptions and it continues to grow. During the last year, it has an increase of 75%.

The most consulted information in Spanish

Nearly 80% of the information consulted during the last year was in Spanish, approximately 10% in Portuguese and another 10% in English. Even though the readers in these two languages have grown 1% each, the effect has been minor by the extraordinary growth of the Spanish-speaking viewers, as a result of the solid growth experience of the webpage of the Order in countries like Mexico, Argentina or Peru, where the views grew a 33, 26, and 33% respectively compared to last year.