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The world sings of infinite Love, how can we not take care of it?

On October 4, Pope Francis published an Apostolic Exhortation entitled: Laudate Deum. In it the Pontiff invites the world to join in and live a path of reconciliation, seeking to beautify our environment with the contribution of each of the inhabitants of the earth; living the values of our faith and emphasizing the importance of the dignity of the person.

Eight years after the publication of Laudato Si, the Pope has once again given the Church a reflection on integral ecology and the care of our common home. In this reflection, His Holiness reviews the main milestones and challenges of the present day, and recalls that the issue of the environmental crisis is intimately related to human dignity.

Francis calls on society to take a greater interest in the care of creation, and reminds us that this social problem is within the logic of the structures of sin. We share with you some highlights from Laudate Deum (LD).

“Everything is connected, no one is saved alone” LD 19.
We live in a world that is communion, man has to be aware that the origin of climate change is an event that concerns man, therefore the Pope emphasizes the idea that we have a shared responsibility in the care of the common home.

“Artificial Intelligence” LD 21.
We are in front of the first document of a Pope who speaks about AI. Remember that these technologies start from an idea of supremacy of the human being, which makes him think that he has no limit and can do whatever he pleases. He reminds that this without care can be detrimental to man.

The Pope raises his voice and asks the world that these technologies be in favor of man and that they not serve to widen the gap between rich and poor. He also calls for a conversion in the conception of power, inviting Christians to ask themselves the following question: “what is the meaning of my life, what is the meaning of my passage on this earth, what is the meaning, in short, of my work and my effort?” LD 33.

“Authentic faith transforms the whole of life” LD 61.
Pope Francis reminds Christians that “authentic faith not only gives strength to the human heart, but transforms the whole of life, transfigures one’s goals, illuminates one’s relationship with others and one’s ties with all creation.” LD 61.

He invites us to go back to the beginning of creation, to remember that God created the world and looked at all his work and saw that it was very good (cf. Gen 1:31). He recalled that the care of this earth, which is God’s gift, is the work of all of us who inhabit the common home.

“Situated anthropocentrism” LD 67.
With this term, the Pope recalled that in the Judeo-Christian tradition the peculiar and central value of man among all beings is defended, but that we are all part of a universal family that must live with a sacred, loving and humble respect for creation and those who inhabit it.

Man has to live a path of reconciliation with the world that shelters us, he has to make an effort to beautify it and contribute to society everything that is in his hands to improve our environment. As a society we need to seek a cultural change so that we can save our world.

The Apostolic Exhortation ends with a plea to men to Praise the Lord, for we must always remember that we live in the house that God created for us, a house that was created by an infinite Love, how can we not take care of such a great gift?