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Walking Together: Proposals of the Augustinian Recollect Youth Synod

The Augustinian Recollect Youth Synod held last July in Salamanca (Spain) was a moment of encounter, a space of the Spirit where the young and religious synod members were able to speak and express their desires and concerns about the Augustinian Recollect Youth movement.

From this Synodal experience two documents were born, which are the road map that will accompany the journey of the Augustinian Recollect Youth in the coming years. On the one hand there is the final Message; on the other the proposals derived from the reflection and discernment. We present them below:

Identity and Vocation

1.1. Since the loss of the fire of the encounter with Christ and the joy of following him is evident, it is necessary to strengthen in all young Augustinian Recollects the vocation to communitarian missionary discipleship, through the living of the charism that impels them to witness the event of Jesus, because perseverance gives place to mature in the identity of Christ.

1.2. Since we have difficulty in recognizing our own identity, it is necessary that the distinguishing marks be revised, so that they have a deeper and more Augustinian nuance, where the profile of the young person is reflected, because this is a means to recognize the Augustinian Recollect charism.

1.3. Given that youth is the age of decision making that gives a determining configuration to existence, it is necessary that the RAY be a means for young people to discover their vocation; Promote vocational culture as a transversal axis integrating the different states of life.

1.4. Since the Augustinian spirit is a fundamental part of the charism, it is necessary to generate and continue to promote meetings that strengthen the fraternal and communitarian aspect, because this is our particular way of living the Gospel: in community of brothers, since we need others to be ourselves.

1.5. Given the diversity of logos, flags, colors and designs, it is necessary to establish a common identity through an identity manual, because we are convinced that all of this helps to strengthen our identity.

Charism y Spirituality

2.1. Since our prayer is nothing more than returning so much love to God poured into our hearts, it is necessary to promote and make known resources that help young people to live their interior and spiritual life with greater authenticity through creativity in the implementation of the methods of community prayer (example: Augustinian prayer workshops), because thanks to prayer we strengthen a conversation of friendship with the Lord and we are enkindled in his love.

2.2 Since we are part of the Augustinian Recollect family, it is necessary to make known the JAR movement and itinerary in parishes and schools in order to comply with the numerals B.13 and B.14 of the project of life and mission of the Order, because the protagonism of the youth in the Church is important1.

2.3. Given that in some places the structures do not exist, it is necessary to create, promote and consolidate the formation of national and local councils of the RAY in the Order, because the organization of the movement helps us to live the charism and the sense of belonging.

2.4. Since the ARBs are nourished by the childhood stages, it is necessary to consolidate the Tagaste, Madaura and Cartago stages, because it is important to have knowledge and a sense of belonging to the charism from an early age.

1 Cf. B13. To make the JAR Itinerary known to our religious, lay people and to our professed in initial formation… B14. Strengthen the JAR movement where it is already present and establish it in communities where it is not yet established

Training and Support

3.1. Since our formation does not fully respond to the realities of young people, it is necessary to enrich the itinerary and the instructions in the light of the current needs of young people, in a solid, deep, dense, wise development, expressed in the language of young people manifested in the Kerygma, because all Christian formation is above all the deepening of the Kerygma that is becoming flesh more and more and better.

3.2. Given that we are living a change of time and paradigms, it is necessary to review the formative and pedagogical methodology of the different stages, with the objective of having an integral formation experience from the Gospel, because a serious and adequate formative path is necessary.

3.3. Given the importance of ongoing formation, it is necessary that the international JAR team is in charge of promoting the ongoing formation of the JAR, because any formation project must be a path of growth for the young person.

3.4. Given the existing resources at the level of the Order, it is necessary to promote and disseminate the platform In Imum Cordis, and to create a channel of communication that concentrates the materials and community experiences that allow networking, because communication fosters fraternity.

3.5. Given that young people need to be accompanied, it is necessary to: review the statutes and the ways of accompanying the different stages proposed in the itinerary, a formation plan for accompaniers, systematize accompaniment processes and strengthen the figure of the lay advisor, because accompaniment is absolutely necessary for the growth and maturity of young people.

Evangelization and Mission

4.1. Given that the personal and communitarian encounter with Jesus leads to mission, it is necessary to encourage the participation of the Youth in the different missionary and solidarity actions that the Augustinian Recollect family has (ARCORES, CEAR, EDUCAR, and other local initiatives, etc.), offering spaces to live the mission, because this is a dimension of vocationality.

4.2. Given that evangelization is necessary in the Church, it is important to create in the different districts RAY evangelization teams, because we are mission and that is why we are in the world.

4.3. Since nothing that is truly human is alien to us, it is necessary to create tools to foster the commitment of the young Augustinian Recollect, for the construction of a new society, because we want to be protagonists of the revolution of charity and service.