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Deepening Augustinian Spirituality

The International Workshop of Augustinian Spiritual Exercises was held in Madrid on April 19, 20 and 21, 2024. This joint initiative between the General Secretariat for Spiritual Charism and Ongoing Formation and the School In Imum Cordis has brought together facilitators and coordination teams of Augustinian Spiritual Exercises from around the world.

These training workshops are structured in two parts. The first part consists of an online, theoretical study time that prepares participants for the second part, a three-day face-to-face meeting. On this occasion, the participants traveled to Spain from England, Colombia and the Philippines with a common goal: to immerse themselves in the profound Augustinian Spiritual Exercises.

Esther, a member of the Secular Fraternity of England, explained that they have been enriching both on a personal and community level: “For me, the Augustinian Spiritual Exercises have been very enriching, in a personal sense. Also in the sense of community, what it means to live the brotherhood, the community, the charism of St. Augustine”.

This workshop is not only about learning, but also about sharing and multiplying the experience. “This will be very successful for other people, especially for those who are in need of help. Not only material, but also in terms of spiritual, psychological, human or the whole person,” said Ernesto, a member of the Secular Fraternity of the Philippines.

In addition, as he explained Fr. Javier Monroygeneral counselor and director of the School In Imum CordisThe plan is to take this initiative to other parts of the world in the coming years: “This year we have two workshops, which have been scheduled for 2024, but we will try to schedule them in other areas of the order for 2025 and 2026, depending on the needs.

The inspiration of St. Augustine and his path to humility and communion with God resonates in this workshop. “The particularity of St. Augustine is that he was just like anyone else in the world until his moment, until God called him and made him reflect,” said Maricela, a member of the Secular Fraternity of Spain.

In a world in need of inner peace and spiritual growth, this workshop offers a space for reflection, learning and communion. “I really invite you all to return home. It is the best way to go. Thank you,” concluded Mery, a CEAR member from Colombia, reflecting the spirit of this meeting.