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Life with vocation’, the meeting of Pastoral Vocational Ministry in Granada

Last Saturday, April 27, 2024, the city of Granada (Spain) hosted the Youth and Vocation Ministry meeting organized by the Vocation Team of the Vicariate of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova.

The event, under the slogan “Life with vocation”, brought together a diversity of pastoral agents, religious men and women from different congregations, as well as committed young people from the central area of Granada and Motril.

The day, marked by moments of deep reflection, included presentations by the following speakers Sr. ImmaculateThe morning was dedicated to the presentation of the Augustinian Sisters of the Federation of Conversion, and Lucas AlcaƱiz, a Jesuit, who addressed relevant topics on vocation in today’s context.

In the afternoon, the testimony of the married life of Diego Iriarte and MarĆ­a Constanza Franchella, of the Amor Conyugal movement, showed how vocation manifests itself in various forms of commitment and dedication.

In addition, the Augustinian Sisters of Conversion have facilitated a workshop on sharing experiences among different generations in an effort to better understand the realities and challenges facing young people today.

The event had a profound impact on all the participants, who expressed their renewed commitment to continue accompanying and serving youth with dedication and passion in their journey of vocational discernment. Isa GarcĆ­a MorenoThe speaker, who attended the meeting, emphasized that “all the speakers were able to transmit, speaking from the heart and in a truly authentic way, the beauty and greatness of living our vocation from gratitude to God, from our daily dedication to our neighbor and from our human smallness, because it is precisely these three ingredients that make us fall more and more in love with our choice of life”. In addition, Emilio GarcĆ­awho also attended the Day, expressed that “this fraternal encounter has helped us to reaffirm why we have given our yes to this call, to this vocation, to follow Christ from the Augustinian Recollect charism, each one from his own small plot of life. We do something great from the small”.