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Father Kenneth’s mission from the Philippines to Sierra Leone

Father Kenneth Kalong, originally from the Philippine province of Palawan, came to the Kamalo region in 2017 to live his missionary experience during his diaconate and returned to Sierra Leone after being ordained a priest. Currently, he is the pastor of the local parish, so he oversees 46 centers and works with five other local chiefs.

As Father Kalong explains in this interview, one of the biggest challenges he faces is the language barrier. In the area of your parish, different dialects are spoken, which makes communication difficult: it is difficult to express our ideas to these people, especially when proclaiming the gospel, so that they abandon bad habits and become good people.

Despite these challenges, there have been important achievements in the mission. Recently, the first group of full members of the Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity (FSAR) in Africa was formed. The effort to organize this fraternity was initiated by Father Dennis, who sought out people married in the church and with a life of constant prayer. After a period of formation, they were ready to become members of the secular fraternity. The first group of friars made their promises before the Prior General on April 6, 2024.

Kamalo, Sierra Leone (2024)

In this interview, Father Kenneth also talks about the mission in Sierra Leone and his dreams: ” For me, it is inspiring to see the fruit of the work of our missionary predecessors. He also emphasizes the importance of witness and accompaniment in their mission: people see us as role models and highly value our presence in the community, especially in the church.

His personal dream is to maintain good health so that he can continue to serve the people of Sierra Leone and accompany them on their spiritual journey: My real dream is that our people here will have a decent House of Prayer and that everyone will become a true spiritual family in the church.

For Father Kalong, mission is a continuous work of dedication and faith. He always seeks to bless his community and guide them towards a more spiritual life committed to Christian values.

Mission in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is an active mission of the Augustinian Recollects, managed since 1998 by the Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno, with the collaboration in human and economic resources of the Province of St. Nicholas of Tolentino. The idea of a mission in Africa was born in 1990 and, after several years of deliberation and preparation, the first Recollects arrived in the country in 1996.

Initially, they took over the parish of Kamabai, in the northern province of Bombali. The mission faced the civil war that began in 1991, and the Recollects had to temporarily leave the country in 1998 due to the violence. They returned in 2004 and since then have worked in various areas such as education, health and infrastructure, and have been recognized for their positive impact.

Despite the challenges, such as the language barrier and the dispersion of the Catholic population in a largely Muslim country, the Augustinian Recollects have left a significant mark. They have contributed to community development and the strengthening of faith, with the formation of the first Secular Augustinian Recollect Fraternity in Africa in 2024.