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The III International Festival of Song and Artistic Creation EDUCAR has been held

On Friday, June 28, 2024, the Augustinian Recollect International Educational Network (EDUCAR Network) celebrated the final gala of the III International Augustinian Song Festival and the II International Contest of Artistic Creation. For the past three and two years, respectively, these two contests have sought to recognize and reward the artistic and literary talent of our students and to promote the Augustinian values of community, hope and creativity.

The gala, which was transmitted online, was attended by more than 100 schools, universities and professional training centers of the Agustina Recoleta family. It was presented by Manuel Torres, professor and coordinator of Pastoral Ministry at Colegio Santo Tomás de Villanueva in Granada, Spain.

In his opening remarks, the president of the EDUCAR Network, Fr. Antonio Carrónexpressed his gratitude and joy for the opportunity to bring together the Augustinian educational community through these contests. He stressed the importance of sharing and expressing Augustinian values in a creative and artistic way, and congratulated all the winners for their talent and dedication.

The competitions were held in several phases: local, regional, global and final. In each phase, the songs and artistic works were evaluated by a jury that selected the best works to compete in the final gala. The song festival categories included Children (up to 12 years old), Youth (12 to 18 years old) and Adults (over 18 years old), with songs in Spanish, English and Portuguese reflecting the theme of the upcoming school year.

This year, the III Augustinian Song Festival focused on the theme “Pilgrims of Hope”, inspired by the Jubilee Year 2025. From the youngest children to adults, the participants offered songs that reflected the spirit of hope and the search for a better future, always guided by the principles of St. Augustine.

Augustinian song contest:

    • Category A, children: “La fuerza del amor”, Colegio Santa Rita, Peru.
    • Category B, youth: “Pilgrims of Hope”, Colegio Agustiniano Salitre, Colombia.
    • Category C, adults: “We are hope”, Ciudad de los Niños, Costa Rica.

For its part, the II International Contest of Artistic Creation invited us to reflect on the greatness that is hidden in the small acts and moments of everyday life, under the motto “Do you aspire to the big time? Start small.”. Students could submit their photographic or literary works.

Literature contest:

    • Category A, children: Poetry “The great life of the little seed” by Jazmín Rubino. Colegio San Andrés, Argentina.
    • Category B, young people: Story “The little native who aspired to the big” by Sofía Rico. Colegio Agustiniano Santo Tomás de Villanueva, Venezuela.
    • Category C, adults: Short story “La torre” by Alejandro Ezequiel Manzur. Colegio Agustiniano, Argentina.

Photo contest:

    • Category B, young people: “Todo lo que siembras florece” by Mariana López Castañeda. Colegio Agustiniano, Argentina.
    • Category C, adults: “Interiorem veritatem”, by Anderson Fabián Peña Hernández. Colegio Agustiniano Suba, Colombia.

Congratulations to all!