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The Centers of Augustinian Recollect Spirituality (CEAR) are a new ministry of the Order with the objective of responding to the XXI century man, a man who is uprooted and in search of meaning. This ministry is called to be a fundamental pillar of evangelization, similar to the parishes, missions and schools that already exist within the Order.

The general counsel, Fr. Javier Monroy, explained in this interview that the Centers of Spirituality are being consolidated as another ministry within the Order of Augustinian Recollects and that to promote this new ministry they have developed a project from our international network that we have called CEAR Alliance. This project includes a training project for the teams that coordinate the spirituality centers, recognizing the importance of adequate training to carry out this mission.

As explained by Fr. Javier, the CEARs aim to evangelize in five key areas:

    1. Human Growth: To promote the integral development of people.
    2. Experience of God: To deepen the personal relationship with the divine.
    3. Augustinian Spirituality: To spread the values and teachings of Saint Augustine.
    4. Accompaniment: Offering spiritual support and guidance.
    5. Social Action: Promote initiatives that improve society from a Christian perspective.

A fundamental characteristic of the CEAR is its openness to all people, regardless of their religious background: The most important thing about a spirituality center is that it is open to everyone and to everyone’s experience. As for international expansion, Monroy pointed out that they are already present in ten countries: we are already present in Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, and in Spain we are forming a new one here in Madrid and another one in the Philippines.

Fr. Javier emphasized the enthusiasm of the laity in this project, especially those of the Augustinian Recollect Secular Fraternities. The members of the secular fraternities have taken this ministry as their own and as their place to evangelize. This commitment is reflected in the fact that the coordinators, directors and presidents are fraternal, not religious, and indicates a strong rootedness in Augustinian spirituality.

The CEARs represent a current response to the evangelization needs of the Church and the world. Fr. Javier concluded by stressing that the mission of the CEAR is to make the human heal and grow and go towards Christ, touching the hearts of people and offering a path of spiritual and human growth.

The Augustinian Recollect Spirituality Centers: A new ministry of evangelization.