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2024 Solemn Profession Preparation Course concludes

Last August 24, 2024, the Course of Immediate Preparation for Solemn Profession in the Augustinian Recollect religious and consecrated life concluded in the convent-novitiate of Desierto de la Candelaria, RƔquira (Colombia).
The seven participants coming from four different nationalities -Philippines, Mexico, Brazil and Venezuela- expressed their gratitude for the gift and blessing that this encounter represented for their lives.

The second part of the chronicle of the Course, which began last July 22, covered four weeks.
During this time we worked on the wisdom of community, interiority and ecclesiality. Fr. Jhon Eduard Olarte accompanied them in reflecting on how the Augustinian Recollect charism requires investing the best energies of the person in building fraternal life in community, which is always a gift of God and a human task.

Fr. HĆ©ctor Manuel CalderĆ³ninvited the participants to take a journey into the depths of their own hearts in order to know themselves and themselves in Christ, the interior Master, and to broaden their horizons in following him.
An arduous and demanding exercise, but healing and liberating.
Finally, Fr. Kenneth Onda led them in a reflection on the ecclesial dimension of the charism of the Augustinian Recollects.
He reminded the participants that a charism is a gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church, to be lived in community and to be placed at its service, just as St. Augustine himself did.

Visits, pilgrimages and spiritual exercises

In addition, during the intervals of the formations, some activities were carried out such as the visit to the Augustinian Recollect convent of La Popa, Cartagena (Colombia), the pilgrimage from the Desert of Candelaria to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquira, Villa de Leiva, and the spiritual exercises.
The trip to the convent of La Popa represented the contact with one of the most important moments in the history of the Recollection in Latin America and the pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of ChiquinquirĆ” meant an image of life: of walking with an objective, enjoying the company of the brothers, experiencing fatigue and living the joy of reaching the goal.

The spiritual exercises were led by Fr. Fabian Martin and Fr. Enrique Eguiarte.
El primer religioso los acompaĆ±Ć³ en la reflexiĆ³n de la parte bĆ­blica a partir de los salmos, tal y como lo proponen los materiales para los ejercicios espirituales agustinianos de este aƱo 2024.
Y Fr.
Enrique compartiĆ³ con los participantes del Curso la parte agustiniana, y lo hizo tanto en inglĆ©s como en espaƱol de modo que los participantes filipinos aprovecharan mejor los contenidos.

Online training and meetings

It should also be noted that the Solemn Course also included a space for an online meeting with the Prior General, Fr. Miguel Angel HernandezHe spoke to them about what it means to be Augustinian Recollects today in a global world.
In this same modality of online meeting Fr. TagoyThe President of ARCORES, helped them to reflect on the social dimension of the Augustinian Recollect charism.
Likewise, Fr. Antonio CarrĆ³n spoke to them about the importance of creating safe environments in the Church and in our communities, of regaining people’s trust in our evangelizing service and of taking into account some protocols for the prevention of any type of abuse.

The religious participants of the Course expressed their infinite gratitude to the two Augustinian Recollect communities in Colombia that hosted the meeting with such dedication: the parish of Our Lady of Consolation in Bogota and the convent of Desierto de la Candelaria in RƔquira.
The two communities have the patronage of two Marian advocations dear to the Order: Our Lady of Consolation and Our Lady of Candelaria.
The participants entrusted to them the fidelity of their vocation.