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October 7: Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace

Pope Francis has called for a day of prayer and fasting for October 7, 2024, with the intention of imploring the gift of peace in the world.
This date coincides with the first anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, an event that sparked a brutal escalation of violence in the Holy Land.
In a context marked by growing tensions in the Middle East, the war in Ukraine, and other conflicts plaguing various regions of the world, the Pontiff once again resorts to the “weapons” of the Church: prayer and fasting, in the hope that God will grant peace to a world on the brink of the abyss.

Francis announced this day at the end of the solemn Mass in St. Peter’s Square, which marked the opening of the second session of the General Assembly of the Synod.
He also reported on a visit to the Basilica of St. Mary Major on the afternoon of October 6 to pray the Rosary and make a supplication to Our Lady for peace.
He also invited all the members of the Synod to join in this prayer.

The tradition of prayer for peace

This call is not an isolated event in Francis’ pontificate.
Throughout his time as leader of the Catholic Church, he has called for similar days at critical moments in recent history. In 2013, just six months after being elected Pope, he gathered thousands of people to pray for peace in Syria, and in 2022, he called for a day of prayer and fasting for Ukraine, after the beginning of the Russian invasion.
These days seek to unite believers in a joint supplication for peace in a world marked by suffering, violence and injustice.
In the midst of these crises, the Pope’s words resound as an echo inviting us to peaceful action and fervent prayer.

St. Augustine’s praise of Peace

In numerous writings, St. Augustine offers us a profound perspective on peace: “Peace among men is ordered concord” (De Civitate Dei, XIX, 13).
For Augustine, peace is not simply the absence of war, but a state of harmony and justice, where human relations are ordered according to the common good.
Thus, prayer and fasting are ways of seeking this profound peace that arises from love and justice, essential elements for building a society where concord reigns.

St. Augustine’s Sermon 357 is a eulogy to peace text appears to be a discourse or sermon centered on the theme of peace, fraternity and charity, with a deep focus on the Christian meaning of these values.
Peace is presented as a supreme good that is multiplied by sharing it with others.
The text exhorts the faithful to love and seek peace, not only for themselves, but also for others, even for those who seem to be enemies of peace.
Through a series of comparisons and reflections, it highlights the importance of peace as a gift that is not diminished by sharing, but expands the more people possess it.

Augustine also compares peace to light, which the “sick in the eyes,” that is, those who do not know it or reject it, cannot bear, but which, once cured, they can enjoy.
The responsibility of Christians is to act with patience, meekness and love, working to heal these “sick” people with their words and actions, and not through disputes or confrontation.

The text also refers to unity among Christians, stressing that true fraternity must not be broken even in the face of hatred or hostility.
Christian unity is based on mutual recognition as brothers, with a strong call to respond with meekness and prayer in the face of insults or slander.

Finally, a call is made to prayer, fasting and almsgiving as means to strengthen prayers and fraternal relationships, suggesting that material goods be offered to the Lord as a safe and reliable treasure, an act that will be abundantly rewarded.
Augustine reminds us that peace is not only a divine gift, but also a human task.

Prayer for Peace in the World

In May 2024, the Community of Sant’Egidio sent a list of conflicts in the world in a prayer format that we share and invite you to keep in mind to pray for Peace in the world:


For peace in Afghanistan
For an end to diffuse violence in Central America and an end to tensions in Nicaragua
For an end to terrorism in Burkina Faso
For peace in West Cameroon
For dialogue and reconciliation in Chad
For Colombia’s peace accords
For peace in the Kivu and Ituri regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo and for an end to hostilities with Rwanda.
For an end to tensions on the Korean peninsula
For peace in Ethiopia and an end to tensions with Eritrea
For an end to the widespread violence and unrest in Haiti
For an end to violence in Iran
For peace and an end to all violence in Iraq
For the end of tensions between Armenians and Azerbaijanis
For an end to Serb-Albanian tensions in Kosovo
For stability and peaceful coexistence in Lebanon
For peace in Libya
For an end to the conflict in Mali
For Mexico and an end to the violence caused by drug trafficking
For Burma
For an end to attacks and violence in northern Mozambique
For an end to tensions in Niger
For peace and an end to terrorism in Nigeria
For an end to terrorism and attacks against Christians in Pakistan
For peace in the Central African Republic
For peace and an end to all violence in Syria
For peace in Somalia
For an end to all violence in the United States
For an end to violence and civil war in Sudan
For South Sudan’s peace agreements and initiatives
For an end to the war in Ukraine, so that the weapons will be silenced and the way to dialogue will be found.
For peace in Yemen and the Red Sea crisis
For peace and an end to the violence caused by the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians in the Holy Land and Gaza, for the release of the hostages, for the protection of civilians, for a truce to be reached and for dialogue to resume.
For the liberation of all hostages anywhere in the world.
For those in power, that they may lead the world along paths of peace and dialogue.
Bless, protect and strengthen, Lord, the service of the Community for peace throughout the world.
We pray for all those who work for peace.

We pray to you, Lord, for peace in the world and for the protection of the Community.
Protect, welcome, accompany and bless the poorest, the refugees and the victims of wars.
May we remain united to you in the light of your Spirit. Amen