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This is how the ‘Day of Latin Culture’ was celebrated in Colombia

Within the framework of Augustinian Week, last August 29, the Colegio Agustiniano Suba of Bogota (Colombia), commemorated the ‘Day of Latin Culture’, an initiative organized by the Social Sciences area that highlighted the richness and cultural diversity of Latin American countries.

This activity, which involved the entire student community, focused on the representation of different countries in the region through traditional games, folkloric dances, gastronomic samples and even exhibitions on the economy, politics and cultural traditions of each nation.

Each course of the school had the opportunity to represent a Latin American country, and it was an opportunity to promote the knowledge and appreciation of the sister cultures of the region. However, the event went beyond the borders of the school thanks to the participation of several Augustinian educational institutions from different countries in Latin America, all of them connected through the Educar Network.

Through this network, Augustinian schools from other countries were invited to join the celebration by sending videos representative of their cultures. Participants were: Colegio Agustiniano San Martin de Porres (Lima, Peru), Colégio Santo Agostinho (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Escuela Parroquial Santa Rita (San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic), Colegio Técnico Agustiniano Ciudad de los Niños (Cartago, Costa Rica), Colegio Agustiniano Cristo Rey (Caracas, Venezuela) and Colegio San Ezequiel Moreno (Santa Fe, Argentina).

These videos, which showed key aspects of the cultural life of their respective countries, were presented to all the students of Colegio Agustiniano Suba. As the teachers and students themselves have pointed out, this awakened a great sense of fraternity and Augustinian identity. In addition, it helped the students to identify similarities between Latin American cultures, and to foster the appropriation of these traditions and the recognition of belonging to a large international Augustinian family.

The celebration was a success, not only for its educational content, but also for the message of brotherhood that was shared among the Augustinian centers. The school was deeply grateful for the collaboration of all the participating institutions that, with their time and dedication, helped to strengthen the bonds of friendship and fraternity within the Order and the Educar Network.