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Final stretch of the Prior General’s fraternal visit to the communities and ministries of Mexico

The week began with the community of Avante, in the Parish of Christ Crucified. A very enthusiastic community received the Prior General, and after the celebration of the Eucharist, a meeting was held in which there was a dialogue with the living forces of the parish, ending with a moment of fraternal sharing.

On Tuesday and Wednesday the visitation moved to Cuernavaca. In this city, the Augustinian Recollects attend to the parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Rita de Casia, as well as three chapels: St. Monica, Holy Family and Sacred Heart. At the end of the evening mass, the Prior General met with the representatives of the different pastoral ministries.

Wednesday was a beautiful fraternal gathering. The religious usually share the day at the farm that the Vicariate of Mexico has in Cuernavaca, where they celebrated in community the birthdays of some religious. Undoubtedly, it was a moment of fraternity that filled the hearts and gave a special touch to the religious life.

On Thursday, on his return to Mexico City, Fr. Miguel Angel visited the community of Santa Monica. As in previous visits, the Eucharist was celebrated, this time on the occasion of the feast of St. Thomas of Villanova, followed by an enriching talk with the pastoral representatives.

On Friday we returned to the city of Queretaro for a fraternal visit to the community of Lomas de Casablanca. This parish, dedicated to the Divine Redeemer, stands out for its solid pastoral organization and great dynamism. The Prior General met with the parish pastoral council, exchanged opinions and took an interest in the work being done by the Recollect friars in the community.

Saturday was a day of great celebration as the Prior General received the solemn profession of Friar José Antonio Hernández. The ceremony took place in the auditorium of the Fray Luis de Leon College and was presided over by Bishop Javier Acero, Augustinian Recollect and Auxiliary Bishop of Mexico City. The Eucharistic celebration was a profoundly warm moment, where we lived and vibrated intensely in the light of our charism.

During the week, the Prior General also met with the council of the Vicariate of Mexico and Costa Rica, an opportunity to analyze the current situation of the communities of this demarcation, presenting them with the challenges, difficulties and hopes.