At Christmas time, it is common to see how parishes and communities are filled with people: some seek to give thanks for the year lived, others wish to start well the year 2025, and others come for the simple tradition of the Christmas holidays. Regardless of the motivation, what is certain is that we must continue to evangelize and show the mystery of love and salvation that we contemplate in the Child Jesus.
For this reason, among so many colors, sounds, distractions and Christmas promotions, we also want to accompany this time by presenting the true meaning of Christmas. We want to go out to our streets, visit our neighbors, bless and be a presence in the midst of so many people who perhaps need to rediscover that what is really important is in the small, in the simple and humble of a Bethlehem portal.
As a parish, throughout the year we have lived many missionary experiences with the intention of offering our faithful the opportunity to proclaim Christ in public places where people pass through, sell and buy. In short, it is about revealing this Christ who is also there, alive and present, acting and silently transforming the lives of others in everyday life.
To conclude, it is not always easy to get out of our structures and comfort zones. This implies the organization of people, times and spaces. However, this is the mission that corresponds to us as the baptized: to announce the One who calls us and sends us. As Pope Francis insists:
“Let us go out, let us go out and offer the life of Jesus Christ to everyone. I prefer a Church bruised, wounded and stained by going out into the streets, rather than a Church sickened by confinement and the comfort of clinging to one’s own securities.”