Under the motto “JPIC Mission: Pilgrims of Hope for Systemic Transformation for the Common Good of All Creation”, lay people and religious from different parts of the world gathered in Rome from February 10-14, 2025 to participate in the formation seminar organized by the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission.lay people and religious from various parts of the world gathered in Rome from February 10-14, 2025, to participate in the formation seminar organized by the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission of the Union of Superiors General (USG). Jaazeal Jakosalem and Fr. Hugo Sanchez, representing the Social Apostolate Commission of the Order of Augustinian Recollects and ARCORES International, participated in this event. Its main objective was to provide the participants with the necessary tools to strengthen their apostolates and related ministries, as well as to inspire their communities to a greater commitment to social and environmental justice.
An opportunity for training and commitment
The formation workshop was aimed at both new JPIC promoters and those already involved in this service. Roy Thomas, of the Divine Word Missionaries and co-executive secretary of the JPIC Commission of the UISG and the Union of Superiors General (USG). According to Thomas, this meeting sought to consolidate the see-judge-act methodology, promote collaboration with other civil society entities and foster networking at the global level.
Consolidation of networks and hope in times of crisis
Sister Greta Fernandes, secretary for Mission of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Spirit, stressed the importance of unity and working together in this crucial time. “We must not give up hope. I am confident that by uniting and working together, we will find new ways to address these problems.” he said. He also stressed the need to maintain solidarity with migrants, refugees and people in vulnerable situations.
In a context of increasing political and social challenges, the work of JPIC took on fundamental relevance. Fernandes insisted that it was time to rekindle hope and focus efforts on accompanying those living on the margins, without being distracted by negative events in the world.
Alternatives and commitment to migrants
One of the key themes of the meeting was the situation of migrants and refugees. She pointed out that many congregations worked directly in border areas and in contexts of war, where restrictive migration policies had had a significant impact. In this sense, she called for finding alternatives and strategies to support those facing these difficulties, promoting accompaniment and advocacy in favor of human rights.
Reflection and action towards Jubilee 2025
Brother Mariano Espinoza Sala, of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, emphasized the importance of a profound reflection on the role of congregations in the current context. According to Espinoza, the upcoming Jubilee of 2025 represented an opportunity to evaluate whether the Church’s action was truly aligned with God’s will and with social justice. In this sense, he invited religious communities to take stock of their commitment to the transformation of the world and the promotion of human dignity.
The formation meeting in Rome represented a further step in the consolidation of a global movement for justice and peace, encouraging religious congregations to unite in the mission of hope and social transformation. With the participation of various organizations and congregations, the event reaffirmed the importance of working together to build a more just and united world.