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Rome will host the Encounter of the Augustinian Recollect Family March 18-23

Rome will host an unprecedented meeting that will bring together the main leaders of the different branches that make up the Augustinian Recollect Family. In the letter of convocation, the Prior General, Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandez, emphasized the “need to live internally the synodality proposed by the Church before promoting it externally”. To this end, from March 18 to 23, 2025, they will seek to promote greater closeness, collaboration and authenticity “among all of us who make up the great Augustinian Recollect Family”.

The meeting will be attended by the Prior General and his Council, the priors provincial, vicars and delegates of all the provinces, the Federal Mothers of the Augustinian Recollect Nuns of Spain and Mexico, as well as the superiors general of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters, the Augustinian Recollect Sisters of the Heart of Jesus, the Augustinian Recollect Missionary Sisters, the Augustinian Recollect Sisters of the Sick, and the Federal President of the Order of the Commanderesses of Santiago, recently associated to the Order.

The Prior General admits that, “although relations between the various Augustinian Recollect branches are generally positive, there is still room for improvement”.

Likewise, he underlined the importance of this meeting, pointing out: “It is surprising that, in spite of considering ourselves a family, we have never promoted a meeting among the leaders of the entire Augustinian Recollect family”.

Among the objectives of the meeting are the promotion of mutual knowledge and the creation of authentic bonds of communion, the deepening of the Augustinian charism and spirituality, and the search for joint projects that strengthen inter-institutional collaboration. In addition, it will explore how to support each other, identify common needs and share resources and materials beneficial to all.

During these days, moments of shared prayer, formative talks on topics such as the transmission of the charism to the laity, ongoing formation, the revitalization of the charism and other current issues that will be presented by those responsible for the organisms of the Order will be promoted. There will also be spaces for group work, exchange of experiences and fraternal sharing.

In addition to deepening their relationships and common objectives, the participants will have the opportunity to tour some of Rome’s landmarks and participate in the Jubilee 2025 celebrations, whose motto, “Pilgrims of Hope,” the Order has taken on this year.

During the course of the Encounter, the Order’s Communications Office will be offering the experience from the hand of its protagonists.