The Augustinian Recollect Reynaldo Jaranilla has received the honorary degree in film and television after months of work at the Augustinian University of Bogota. On March 8, 2021, the Augustinian Recollect Reynaldo Jaranilla received an honorary degree in film and...
The Prior General reflected on the global migration crisis at the opening of the X International Congress of Augustinian Studies of the Uniagustiniana of Bogotá. “It’s about not excluding anyone, from the whole person,” he said. The Prior General,...
The Augustinian Recollect nuns arrived in Colombia for the first time on June 12, 2018. Nearly one year old, they are happy for these first months in Bogotá. On June 12, 2018, seven Augustinian Recollect nuns – accompanied by the federal president of Mexico...
The Order of Augustinian Recollects has launched the Center of Formation ‘In Imun Cordis’ with the aim of strengthening the accompaniment of the formators to the young Augustinian Recollects The Order of Augustinian Recollects has inaugurated a new center...
The Coppell choir was born with the visit of St. John Paul II to Colombia in 1986 and 31 years later will sing a Pope again. The group is directed by the magister Miguel Enrique Cubillos recognized musical producer in Colombia. In 2014 the community of the Theologate...