Accompanied by the General Councilor and responsible for missions in the Order, Fr. Ismael Xuruc, this trip also coincided with the return of two bishops who participated in the Encounter of Augustinian Recollect Bishops in Rio de Janeiro: Bishop Santiago Sanchez,...
On May 20, the Encounter of Augustinian Recollect Bishops was inaugurated, which will be held until May 25 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The Prior General of the Order, Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandez welcomed the participants, urging them to freely express how they see the...
On May 16, the Augustinian Family celebrates the feast of Saints Alypius and Posidius, friends of St. Augustine. Since 2021, with a decree of Fr. Miguel Miró, Prior General at that time, became patrons of the Augustinian Recollect Youth, trusting “that with...
At present there are 23 Augustinian Recollects who have been called to serve the Church as bishops. Most are found in the Americas, especially in mission areas. Brazil is the country with the most Augustinian Recollect bishops, followed by Peru, Panama, Colombia,...
At present there are 23 Augustinian Recollects who have been called to serve the Church as bishops. Most are found in the Americas, especially in mission areas. Brazil is the country with the most Augustinian Recollect bishops, followed by Peru, Panama, Colombia,...