This Sunday’s liturgy celebrates and recalls the Baptism of Jesus. It is the event in which God the Father presents his Son to us, as our Savior, and thus culminates the Christmas season. It is one of the events at the origin of Christian baptism. In the Gospel...
This Sunday’s Gospel passage unites two contrasting scenes. In the first, Jesus warns and severely criticizes the scribes and religious leaders of his time, because they use religion for their own benefit, to show off power, display ambition, seek honors and...
Today’s Gospel presents a series of features that should be highlighted. It is an encounter between Jesus and a teacher of the law, but it is not a polemical encounter or one motivated by bad intentions on the part of the Pharisee, but a friendly encounter, in...
This Sunday’s Gospel presents a series of sentences of Jesus, loosely connected to each other, but individually understandable. The first is understood in a context of harassment and persecution already faced by Jesus. The apostle John comments to Jesus that...
The account of the multiplication of the loaves, together with that of the transformation of water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana and that of the miraculous catch of fish in the Sea of Galilee, are the three miracle narratives that have to do with food offered...