On the Solemnity of All Saints of the Order, we celebrate the richness of the lives of those men and women who have embodied in an exemplary way the charism of St. Augustine. These lives invite us to rediscover the profound meaning of our own existence, guiding us...
Every November 1, the Church celebrates the feast of All Saints, a time to honor the holiness lived throughout the centuries and to remember that all Christians, without exception, are called to holiness. This feast invites us to reflect on the path of life that...
A few days ago, in the catechetical meetings in the parish, we recalled how our faith has not arisen in us by spontaneous generation, but it has been thanks to certain people around us that we have come to know the God of Jesus of Nazareth. The end of the year always...
The Prior General addressed a letter to the youth of the Recollect Augustinian Youth on the occasion of the feast of Saints Alipio and Posidio, patrons of the RAY. On the feast of Saints Alypius and Possidius, the patron saints of the Augustinian Recollect Youth, I...
The Secular Augustinian Recollect Augustinian Recollect Fraternity has a new image of its patroness, the work of the Mexican artist Bernardo Ramonfaur and created digitally. To all the representations we have of St. Magdalene of Nagasaki now joins one more. This is a...