Father Kenneth Kalong, originally from the Philippine province of Palawan, came to the Kamalo region in 2017 to live his missionary experience during his diaconate and returned to Sierra Leone after being ordained a priest. Currently, he is the pastor of the local...
Fr. Jess Marco Sanchez, prior of the Augustinian Recollect community of Kamalo in Sierra Leone, shares in this interview his experiences, challenges and dreams in his work of evangelization, education and interreligious dialogue. Originally from the island of Negros...
Among the work that the Augustinian Recollects carry out in Sierra Leone is the administration and management of St. Joseph’s Boarding School in Sierra Leone. Paul, a project they inaugurated in 2019. This center, with the capacity to accommodate 12 young people...
3,000 runners join forces to build a water well in Sierra Leone, in collaboration with the Arcores International Solidarity Network. Granada has become this Sunday, April 14, 2024, the scene of the XVIII Carrera Popular Memorial Padre Marcelino, the traditional race...
Between March 24 and April 7, 2024, the Prior General visited Kenya and Sierra Leone, countries where the Augustinian Recollect Family is present in Africa. The fraternal visitation began in the first country mentioned above on March 24, where he was able to...