In Sierra Leone, a country where inequalities disproportionately affect women and girls, the work of the Augustinian Recollects is making a crucial difference. Since its arrival in the African country, the Order has been developing a comprehensive project to empower...
In the Augustinian Recollect mission of Kamalo (Sierra Leone) the daily prayer of the rosary has become a fundamental tradition for the life of the community, which gathers every evening at 7:00 pm. This moment of shared prayer not only fosters unity, but, as Fr. Jess...
Jonathan Jamero is an Augustinian Recollect non-clerical religious. He arrived from the Philippines to Sierra Leone in 2008, first in the mission of Kamabai and later in Kamalo. Among his main responsibilities are the care of the mission facilities, the feeding of the...
The Philippine missionary, Fr. Elpidio Sarita, celebrates his seventh year of dedication and service in the Kamabai mission (Sierra Leone). Throughout his time in this African country, Fr. Elpidio has faced challenges inherent to any overseas mission, including...
The Philippine missionary, Fr. Vincent Cadeliña, has returned to Sierra Leone (West Africa) for the second time. His first visit was during the Ebola outbreak in 2014 and 2015 but after that experience, he decided to return for a while to the Philippines. Seven years...