On this last Sunday of Ordinary Time we celebrate the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. This Solemnity was formerly celebrated on the Sunday before All Saints’ Day to signify that the reign of Christ brings about the sanctification of...
A few days ago, in the catechetical meetings in the parish, we recalled how our faith has not arisen in us by spontaneous generation, but it has been thanks to certain people around us that we have come to know the God of Jesus of Nazareth. The end of the year always...
Some years ago, an Augustinian Recollect -José Luis Garayoa- who today rests in the Glory of the Father, wrote a column with this same title in a personal blog. At the time it seemed to me an exaggeration. Today with a few years of consecrated life and a couple of...
The Gospel accounts narrate many miraculous actions of Jesus: he gives sight to the blind; he makes the crippled walk; he restores speech to the mute; he makes the deaf hear; he cleanses lepers; he feeds multitudes; he relieves bodily pains of all kinds; and he raises...
Life is worthy of wonder. It’s as simple as that. So beautiful. It is not an object of consumption, nor something prepared; it is Life. Every life asks to be looked at closely, lifted up when it is humbled, encouraged when it pales. The lives of family members...