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St. Thomas of Villanova: a legacy of charity and dedication

Today we celebrate St. Thomas of Villanova, a beacon of charity and dedication to the poorest. His life, marked by a deep love for those most in need, continues to inspire generations of the faithful around the world today.

Born in 1488 in Fuenllana (Spain) Tomás García Martínez, later known as Saint Thomas of Villanueva, after completing his studies in Alcalá de Henares and Salamanca, professed as a friar in the Order of Saint Augustine and dedicated his life to the service of God and neighbor.

One of the most outstanding aspects of St. Thomas’ life was his deep love for the poor. As prior of his community in Valencia (Spain) he strove to alleviate the suffering of the poor and needy. He founded hospitals, established schools for underprivileged children, distributed food and medicine to the needy. His commitment to charity became a hallmark of his life and mission.

In addition to his charitable actions, St. Thomas of Villanova was an eloquent and passionate preacher. His sermons were known for their spiritual depth and his ability to connect with the audience. Through his words, he encouraged people to live a life of virtue and devotion.

The legacy of St. Thomas of Villanova lives on today. He was canonized by Pope Alexander VII in 1658 and his feast day is celebrated on October 10 in the liturgical calendar. His life and teachings continue to inspire people to follow his example of unconditional love for others.

St. Thomas of Villanova is a model of charity and dedication that has left an indelible mark on the history of our Augustinian family. His life reminds us of the importance of serving the poor, living the consecrated life with passion and having love for all God’s children. His legacy lives on as a beacon of light in a world that often needs to be reminded of the importance of charity, predilection for the poorest, and dedication.