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The Rule of St. Augustine today

The President of the Order’s Institute of Augustinology, Fr. Enrique Eguiarte, has released his new book, “The Rule of St. Augustine: Study and Exposition”.

This volume is divided into two parts that address both the historical authenticity and contemporary relevance of the Augustinian Rule.

In the first section of the book, Eguiarte immerses himself in an exhaustive study on the authenticity and composition of the Rule. It explores various theories and academic research that have emerged around this fundamental text. In addition, it offers a scholarly biography that contextualizes the Rule within the historical and theological framework of its time.

In the second part, Fr. Enrique carefully analyzes, almost word for word, each paragraph or number of the Rule. In doing so, the author seeks to allow the text to speak for itself, and to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of its message.

Reflecting on the legacy of the Augustinian Rule, Fr. Eguiarte highlights its relevance in spiritual and community life, both inside and outside religious circles. It recognizes the flexibility and humanity inherent in the rule of St. Augustine, in contrast to other more rigid or abstract monastic rules. Furthermore, it underscores its applicability not only in religious communities, but also in family, educational and work environments, where the principles of listening, dialogue, respect, service and authority are fundamental for harmonious coexistence.