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Get to know the pastoral work of the Santa Fe Community (Argentina)

The parish community of San José, in Santa Fe, Argentina, is carrying out extensive pastoral work involving various initiatives to strengthen faith and community commitment.

Recently, the community has held a spiritual retreat, the Fundamental Evangelization Retreat (
New Heart
), which marks the beginning of its pastoral activities. The main objective of this event, which gathered around 400 people, is to strengthen faith and communion among the members of the community.

In addition to the spiritual retreats, the parish carries out a series of activities aimed at different groups and spiritual needs. For example, the removal of
for adults and the retreat
Restless Heart
for adolescents. It also offers accompaniment through various stages of training, from children from 11 to 15 years of age to older adults.

A highlight of the community’s pastoral work is its commitment toleadership training. It is intended that young people and adults become guides and companions in the spiritual journey of other members of the community. The inauguration of the CEAR Formation Center in Santa Fe in 2022 has been fundamental to provide a space dedicated to Christian and human formation in the country.

In addition to attending to internal spiritual needs, the community also seeks to reach out to its neighbors and share its faith. Missionary groups have been established that carry out various activities, such as monthly worship, home visits in the neighborhood and street events, with the objective of sharing the spiritual richness with the wider community.

Finally, pastoral work also extends to the parish school, where organized and in-depth pastoral care is carried out. The annual retreats for each level of the secondary school cycle seek to strengthen the spirituality of the students and encourage their participation in the life of the community.