We're telling you

Our Order in the first six months of 2024

We have reached the halfway point of 2024! In the first six months of this year, the Order has witnessed major events and promoted new initiatives that reflect its commitment and dedication to its spiritual and social mission.

From moving and moving testimonies of missionaries who have shared their experiences in different communities around the world, to the ARCORES projects or the formation of the In Imum Cordis School, to the fraternal visits of the Prior General to different countries in Africa and the Amazon region, each activity has strengthened our bonds, renewed our spirit and helped us to understand that, as St. Augustine himself said, “the measure of love is to love without measure”.

During this time, various meetings have also been held that have allowed important decisions to be made for our Order, and the new courses initiated have enriched the ongoing formation of our members and interested lay people. In addition, innovative initiatives have been launched to address crucial issues, such as the impact of artificial intelligence in the 21st century or to learn more about women’s consecrated life.

Missionary Testimonials

The voice of our missionaries has resounded strongly this semester. We have heard moving testimonies of those who, with courage and dedication, have brought hope and support to different communities in need. Their stories of faith, sacrifice and resilience have inspired our members and touched the hearts of all those who have heard their stories.

We recall, for example, the testimonies of Mother Maria José Vila, prioress of Our Lady of Consolation Monastery in Wote (Kenya), who said that the daily life of the community includes prayer, manual labor and accompaniment of young aspirants. He also shared his dream of consolidating and growing his community. Also that of Fr. Kenneth Pahamutang a Filipino missionary in Cuba, who explained that “the true journey of life is the one that leads us to connect with the hearts and souls of those we meet along the way”.

mission in China
has also been an important focus of interest during this period, since the Asian country has celebrated the centenary of the constitution of the Province of St. Nicholas of Tolentine under the motto “Sowers of Hope”. The history of the mission, from its inception in 1923 to its reactivation in 1979, is undoubtedly a testimony of perseverance and faith.

Fraternal visits by the Prior General

In the first six months of 2024, the Prior General visited various communities of the Order in two African countries, England and Brazil. Thus, from March 24 to April 7, he visited Kenya and Sierra Leone, and spent Holy Week with the communities of Augustinian Recollect nuns in Lodwar and Wote. During those days he also met with other Augustinian Recollect religious in Kamabai and Kamalo. In addition, he attended the blessing of the St. Louis St. Peter Catholic Church in Kamakwie and learned about ARCORES‘ educational projects.

In the last week of April, he visited the communities in England, in Honiton (Devon), and the parishes of Cheniston and St. Anne’s in London. Afterwards, he went to the Amazon (Brazil) to visit the communities of Labrea and Marajó.

These visits were essential to strengthen the mission of the Order, to promote educational and development projects and to maintain the spirit of unity and commitment in all the Augustinian Recollect communities around the world.

Meetings and gatherings

The meetings held this semester have been fundamental for our growth and development. These meetings have enabled strategic decisions to be taken and ongoing projects to be evaluated. It is worth mentioning the
meeting of Augustinian Recollect Bishops in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
. From May 20 to 25, this meeting was held under the inspiring motto of St. Augustine: “Do you aspire to great things? Start with the smallest”.

It is also worth mentioning the meeting of those in charge of communications, which brought together more than 50 people in charge of communications, and the meeting of the Social Apostolate Commission (CAS) and ARCORES. the meeting of the Social Apostolate Commission (CAS) and ARCORES in Rio de Janeiro to visit and evaluate social projects under development in Brazil. in Rio de Janeiro to visit and evaluate social projects under development in Brazil. Finally, mention should be made of the meeting of the Ministerium SapientiaeTeam in Rome (Italy) to evaluate the activities planned in the Order for the coming years.


Casiciaco Dialogues

Dialogues of Casiciaco
inspired by the discussions held by St. Augustine with the members of his community in the village of that name, near Milan (Italy) in the 4th century, is the new initiative launched by the Order of Augustinian Recollects. These debates have brought together international experts to discuss and reflect on current issues from a philosophical and theological perspective.

The first edition, on
“Artificial Intelligence and Wisdom of the Heart for a Full Human Communication”, was held on May 11, 2024.
was held on May 11, 2024, in response to the proposal launched by Pope Francis on the occasion of World Communications Day.

On June 22, 2024, in the second edition of these Dialogues, the following topics were discussed “Women’s Contemplative Life Today: Challenges and Hopes” and addressed the meaning and current challenges facing women’s contemplative life. and addressed the meaning and current challenges facing the feminine contemplative life.


Other events

Finally, it should be mentioned that the Augustinian Recollect Youth of the Philippines celebrated their 14th National Encounter on January 25-28, that we learned about the new formation house of St. Ezekiel Moreno in Madrid, the appointment of Dr. Carmen Montejo as Sister General of the Order and that on June 8 the 125th anniversary of the presence of the Augustinian Recollect Family in Brazil was celebrated.
125 years of presence of the Augustinian Recollect Family in Brazil.