Quote 04 3

There are two aspects of our bodies which we must consider: one is that which God made, the other is that which comes from our just punishment. The whole bodily form, posture, movement, the order of the members, the structure of the senses –sight, hearing,...

Quote 04 4

These are the great miseries of men: darkness, ignorance; impurity, lust.Enarrationes in psalmos 34,9

Quote 04 5

God has to be searched and invoked in the secret of a rational soul, which is called the interior man. De magistro 1

Quote 04 1

Holy Thursday (Cycle C) Jn. 13:1-15: Homily of Saint Augustine (Commentary on the Gospel of John 56,1-3) “When the Lord was washing the feet of the disciples: He approached Simon Peter; and Peter says unto Him: Lord, are you going to wash my feet? Who would not...

Quote 04 2

Jn. 18:1-19,42: Homily of Saint Augustine (Commentaries on the Gospel of John 117, 3)“Well then, he says, they took Jesus, who, carrying the cross himself, set out for the place called Calvary, in Hebrew Golgotha, where they crucified Him. Jesus was on his way...