All Saints of the Order

«Among the mendicant Orders, the sacred Order of the hermits of St. Augustine has been and continues to be fecund, by the grace of God, in the field of the Catholic church, with seeds of virtue, plants of observance, flowers of wisdom and exuberant fruits of sanctity in her religious […] What can be known of virtuous persons is nothing compared to what God does in a hidden way in them […] There are many who do not make miracles, but they are not inferior to those who make» (Jordan of Saxony, Vitasfratrum, prologue). Today, the birthday of St. Augustine, we celebrate one feast, together with the saints and the blessed of the three Augustinian Orders who are recognized by the Church, with all the pious religious of all language, race and nation whose names are written in the book of life (cf. Ap. 7, 9; 20, 12). It is an act of gratitude for all the gifts of sanctity that God abundantly spread in the history of our Orders, and an invitation to follow the footsteps of so many brothers and sisters who took seriously the Gospel and their consecration to God.