In the municipality of Bajos de Haina, Dominican Republic, teenage pregnancy has become a common reality. Alana Alcántara, only 15 years old, is part of this reality. Her story reflects a problem that affects thousands of young people in the country, where the...
The International Solidarity Network ARCORES has presented its Report 2023, which details the achievements and activities developed during the past year, as well as its future plans and the evolution of its finances. The publication highlights the dedication of the...
Different organizations of the Augustinian Recollect Family have organized a series of youth pastoral activities that will take place in different parts of Spain during the summer. During this summer period, which coincides with the months of June, July and August,...
On May 25, 2024, a meeting of the Social Apostolate Commission (CAS) of the Order was held in Sitio Agostinho, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The meeting was attended by the head of the CAS of the Province of San Nicolás de Tolentino, Fr. Alberto Moreno; the CAS...
3,000 runners join forces to build a water well in Sierra Leone, in collaboration with the Arcores International Solidarity Network. Granada has become this Sunday, April 14, 2024, the scene of the XVIII Carrera Popular Memorial Padre Marcelino, the traditional race...