This Sunday’s Gospel presents a series of sentences of Jesus, loosely connected to each other, but individually understandable. The first is understood in a context of harassment and persecution already faced by Jesus. The apostle John comments to Jesus that...
The refrain of this Sunday’s responsorial psalm was a prayer in the form of a question: Who will be pleasing in your sight, O Lord? Who will dwell on your holy mountain? This question expresses a religious concern: How can I be worthy to be close to God? The...
We know that God tells us that with it we could move mountains. The image that best characterizes it is that of a mustard seed, small but destined to grow into a tree where birds can nest in its branches. When it falters, our life crumbles like a house of cards,...
In his work “From Genesis to the letter”, book II, I take for you some fragments that reaffirm us in our faith. St. Augustine traces the days when God said “let it be done” and in everything “he saw that it was good”. An interesting...
This Sunday’s readings propose for our reflection the fact that there are people who resist believing God’s message, in the time of Ezekiel, in the time of Jesus, in the time of the Church and still today. Thus God speaks to Ezekiel: Son of man, I am...