The Laudato Si’ MovementMovement, guided by the spirit of ecological conversion and in communion with the universal Church, proposes to recognize figures who embodied the call to care for the Common Home and heed the cry of the poor. Among them stands out Sister...
The ARCORES Network maintains constant communication with our delegation in Valencia and we remain attentive to the needs that may arise in this emergency, committed to helping those who have been affected by this tragedy. Check here how to collaborate with ARCORES....
With the motto “wait and act with Creation,” this year’s celebration of the Time of Creation calls for fruitful action in defense of ecology. The commemorative activities respond to the impetus given by Pope Francis ‘ encyclical Laudato...
On October 4, Pope Francis published an Apostolic Exhortation entitled: Laudate Deum. In it the Pontiff invites the world to join in and live a path of reconciliation, seeking to beautify our environment with the contribution of each of the inhabitants of the earth;...